Just for fun

AI Honeypot Demo

Here is a demo of an SSH honeypot with artificial intelligence. The interactive terminal simulates an Ubuntu environment, allowing you to explore and test Linux commands. It is a very simple demo, but can be improved to be more realistic (see FAQ).

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How does this work?

This demo uses the trapster.libs.ai.ssh library which allows to generate SSH responses using the Llama-3-1-70b language model. This same library is also available via a standard SSH client using Trapster Community, which allows to simulate a complete SSH server.

Can a hacker easily detect that it is a honeypot?

Yes, in its current form. It is a very basic demo. However, the real interest for CTI, lies in the use of AI to generate "context" : fake files, simulated users, or responses to unknown commands.

Does it exist on other protocols?

Yes, on HTTP for example. But the most effective approach is to couple this with a real server. The idea is to respond only to attacks or unknown requests, leaving the server to handle legitimate traffic. This allows for more accurate detection of intrusion attempts while maintaining a normal service for legitimate users.

Does Trapster integrate AI?

Yes but not in this form. We use AI to generate fake files, data. We do not want the AI to become a way to detect the honeypot, but rather a way to generate realistic data and context.

Can I secure my company with a honeypot like this?

No, this demo is only a proof of concept. However, low-interaction honeypots are particularly effective in corporate environments, especially on internal networks. Their main advantage is that they generate very few false positives and are easy to deploy. For more information on our security solutions adapted to companies, please contact us.